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On the first anniversary of the At Home section, zigzag through this puzzle to reveal the twist.
This week is the one-year anniversary of the At Home section, and what better way to celebrate than with a puzzle containing a hidden picture? Solve the clues and reveal the twist, with a mini shout-out to the section’s basket-weaving activity from August.
Write the answers to the 16 clues in the blank spaces on each strip. (We’ve filled in some letters to help.) Then cut and sort the strips into one of the four categories, based on your answers. Can you find what connects them? Words starting with B? Animals you’d find on a farm? We’ve given you a clue for each category.
Once you’ve sorted your strips into categories, the A and B groups become the vertical “warp” for your weaving; the C and D groups are woven through them horizontally. They should be ordered alphabetically within their categories. Follow the diagram to weave the strips in an under-and-over pattern, with the lettered squares going under the vertical strips. The weaving will reveal the hidden picture.

Step 1
Place the A and B groups vertically using alphabetical order within each group, starting from the left and alternating groups.
Step 2
Start with the first strip alphabetically from the C group and weave it in, making sure the lettered squares go under the A strips. Slide the strip to the bottom.
Step 3
Repeat with the first alphabetical strip from the D group, making sure it goes under the B strips. Keep weaving, alternating strips from the C and D groups until you have used all your strips.
Step 4
Congratulations! You’ve revealed the image! Now fold and tape the extra tabs to square the sides and save your artwork.
A printable version of this activity is available for download here.