The Dogs That Live Longest, by a Nose

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All dogs go to heaven. But a bulldog might find itself headed there years before a Border terrier, according to a new study of nearly 600,000 British dogs from more than 150 breeds.

Large breeds and breeds with flattened faces had shorter average life spans than smaller dogs and those with elongated snouts, the researchers found. Female dogs also lived slightly longer than male ones. The results were published in the journal Scientific Reports on Thursday.

Breed Average Lifespan (years)
Lancashire Heeler 15.4
Tibetan Spaniel 15.2
Bolognese 14.9
Shiba Inu 14.6
Papillon 14.5
Havanese 14.5
Lakeland Terrier 14.2
Coton de Tulear 14.2
Border Terrier 14.2
Schipperke 14.2
Large Munsterlander 14.1
Lhasa Apso 14
Swedish Vallhund 14
German Spitz Mittel 14
Norwich Terrier 14
Australian Cattle Dog 14
Poodle 14
Cairn Terrier 14
Italian Greyhound 14
Miniature Dachshund 14
Welsh Springer Spaniel 14
Lowchen 13.9
Bearded Collie 13.9
Belgian Tervuren 13.8
Parson Russell Terrier 13.8
Finnish Lapphund 13.8
Bracco Italiano 13.8
Welsh Terrier 13.8
Tibetan Terrier 13.8
Australian Shepherd 13.7
Miniature Pinscher 13.7
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 13.7
Bedlington Terrier 13.7
Spanish Water Dog 13.7
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen 13.7
Wire Fox Terrier 13.5
English Springer Spaniel 13.5
Irish Terrier 13.5
Norfolk Terrier 13.5
Sussex Spaniel 13.5
Vizsla 13.5
Chinese Crested 13.4
Whippet 13.4
Shetland Sheepdog 13.4
West Highland White Terrier 13.4
German Shorthaired Pointer 13.4
Brussels Griffon 13.3
Miniature Schnauzer 13.3
American Cocker Spaniel 13.3
Collie 13.3
Jack Russell Terrier 13.3
Silky Terrier 13.3
Puli 13.3
Yorkshire Terrier 13.3
English Cocker Spaniel 13.3
Tibetan Mastiff 13.3
Saluki 13.3
Pekingese 13.3
Dalmatian 13.2
Dachshund 13.2
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 13.2
Polish Lowland Sheepdog 13.2
Pembroke Welsh Corgi 13.2
Golden Retriever 13.2
Cardigan Welsh Corgi 13.1
English Setter 13.1
Border Collie 13.1
Field Spaniel 13.1
Sealyham Terrier 13.1
Labrador Retriever 13.1
Samoyed 13.1
Maltese 13.1
Toy Manchester Terrier 13
Foxhound 13
German Wirehaired Pointer 13
Standard Schnauzer 13
Japanese Spitz 13
Portuguese Water Dog 13
Norwegian Elkhound 13
Toy Fox Terrier 12.9
Irish Setter 12.9
Weimaraner 12.8
Dandie Dinmont Terrier 12.8
Shih Tzu 12.8
Scottish Terrier 12.7
Briard 12.6
Beagle 12.5
Basset Hound 12.5
American Staffordshire Terrier 12.5
Bichon Frise 12.5
Japanese Chin 12.5
Kerry Blue Terrier 12.4
Gordon Setter 12.4
Skye Terrier 12.4
Keeshond 12.3
Clumber Spaniel 12.3
Miniature Bull Terrier 12.2
Pomeranian 12.2
Curly-Coated Retriever 12.2
Old English Sheepdog 12.1
Chow Chow 12.1
Basenji 12.1
Giant Schnauzer 12.1
Glen Of Imaal Terrier 12.1
Crossbreed 12
Airedale Terrier 12
Bull Terrier 12
Canaan Dog 12
Staffordshire Bull Terrier 12
Belgian Malinois 12
Borzoi 12
Kelpie 12
Rhodesian Ridgeback 12
Spinone Italiano 11.9
Siberian Husky 11.9
Chihuahua 11.8
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 11.8
Boston Terrier 11.8
– Flat-Coated Retriever 11.7
Pug 11.6
Chesapeake Bay Retriever 11.6
Greyhound 11.5
Akita 11.4
German Shepherd Dog 11.3
Boxer 11.3
American Eskimo Dog 11.3
Alaskan Malamute 11.3
Bouvier des Flandres 11.3
Doberman Pinscher 11.2
Afghan Hound 11.1
Brittany 11.1
Dogue de Bordeaux 11.1
Newfoundland 11
Great Pyrenees 10.9
Black Russian Terrier 10.9
Irish Water Spaniel 10.8
Chinese Shar-Pei 10.6
Rottweiler 10.6
Great Dane 10.6
Scottish Deerhound 10.5
Bullmastiff 10.2
Anatolian Shepherd 10.1
Bernese Mountain Dog 10.1
Leonberger 10
Pharaoh Hound 10
Irish Wolfhound 9.9
Bulldog 9.8
French Bulldog 9.8
Affenpinscher 9.3
Bloodhound 9.3
Neapolitan Mastiff 9.3
Saint Bernard 9.3
Mastiff 9
Cane Corso 8.1
Presa Canario 7.7
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 5.4

There are exceptions to those broad trends, and the findings might not apply to dogs outside Britain, where breeding practices — and gene pools — may be different, the researchers noted.

More research will be needed to determine why some breeds have shorter life spans than others. Some breeds are genetically predisposed to serious health problems, but breed-related differences in behavior, lifestyle, diet, environment or other factors could also play a role in shortening some dogs’ lives, experts said.

“Now that we have identified these populations that are at risk of early death, we can start looking into why that is,” said Kirsten McMillan, an author of the new study and the data manager at Dogs Trust, a dog welfare charity in Britain that led the research. “This provides an opportunity for us to improve the lives of our dogs.”