Muriel Lezak, Leading Authority on Brain Injuries, Dies at 94

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A neuropsychologist, she wrote a textbook that became an essential guide to describing and evaluating brain damage and dysfunction.

Muriel Lezak, a neuropsychologist who wrote a landmark textbook in the early days of her discipline that became an essential guide to the description and evaluation of brain injuries and disorders, died on Oct. 6 in a memory care facility in Portland, Ore. She was 94.

Her death was confirmed by her nephew Stephen Lezak.

Dr. Lezak began working as a clinical psychologist in the late 1940s. Two decades later, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Portland, she brought her abiding curiosity about the connection between the brain and behavior to her treatment of soldiers who had suffered neurological damage in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War.

“I was the psychologist for neurology, neurosurgery and rehab,” she said in an oral history interview with Oregon Health & Science University in 2016. “It was like pig heaven, you know?”

Dr. Lezak became keenly interested in patients with frontal lobe damage, which affects creativity, reasoning and the ability to relate to people and to plan and organize. As she dealt with interns and other medical personnel, she realized that there was no book in her evolving field that comprehensively reviewed the major disorders caused by brain dysfunction and injury, or the techniques, tests and procedures to evaluate patients.

Her book “Neuropsychological Assessment,” published in 1976, filled that gap. It also added tests that she developed to evaluate brain dysfunction, like seeing how a patient drew a bicycle, that could provide insights into motor control and perception. She emphasized a flexible approach, adapting procedures to suit an individual patient’s problems, a departure from the standardized tests that were then common.

“There had been nothing at the time that focused on the nuts and bolts of evaluation, and she did a really nice job of looking at the pattern of a broad range of assessments before making a conclusion about a diagnosis,” Kathleen Haaland, a neuropsychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, said in a phone interview.

Ida Sue Baron, a neuropsychologist and clinical professor emeritus of pediatrics at George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, said in an email: “The publication of this book brought the field together coherently for the first time, by integrating the methods and the science for those of us who had no other references, and even for those not in our profession who wished to understand what neuropsychology was really all about.”

Dr. Lezak was the sole author of two subsequent editions of the book and one of the writers of the fourth and fifth editions; a sixth edition, likely to be published in 2023, will be renamed “Lezak’s Neuropsychological Assessment.”

At the V.A. hospital, where Dr. Lezak worked until 1985, she started a support group to help military wives cope with the altered behavior of their brain-injured husbands.

“The people they were married to were no longer there; it was somebody else who was similar, looked pretty much the same, but was no longer the person they were able to love and interact with comfortably,” she said in the oral history.

Muriel Elaine Deutsch was born on Aug. 26, 1927, in Chicago, where her father, Lester, was a furrier and her mother, Sylvia (Friedman) Deutsch, was a homemaker who helped with the fur business’s bookkeeping.

Muriel’s fascination with medicine began when she wondered why her grandmother, who was in a wheelchair, couldn’t walk. But instead of going to a medical school — which she didn’t think would admit a woman with young children — she pursued psychology.

She graduated from the University of Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in general studies in 1947 and a master’s in human development in 1949. That same year she married Sidney Lezak, a lawyer; they soon moved to Portland, where he would serve as the United States attorney in Oregon from 1961 to 1982.

She received a doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Portland in 1960. She later said that she could not have studied for that degree or worked simultaneously as a clinical psychologist without Mr. Lezak.

“For me, he was ‘Sweetie,’” she said in an interview in 2016 with Dr. Haaland for the International Neuropsychological Society. “He was supportive from the get-go at a time when many husbands thought the little lady should be home baking cookies and going to the P.T.A. meetings and being nice.”

She added, “As my career developed, it was fun; he wore me like a rose in his buttonhole.”

Dr. Lezak worked at clinics and taught psychology at Portland State College (now University) and the University of Portland from 1949 until she began her 19-year tenure at the V.A. hospital in 1966. In 1985, she left to teach at the Oregon Health & Science University, where she was a professor of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry until 2005. She long had a private practice, and she continued to see patients until a few years ago.

As early as 1982, Dr. Lezak sounded an alarm about the impact of head injuries incurred by athletes; in 1999 and 2001, she was an author and researcher of studies that found cognitive impairment in amateur and professional soccer players caused by repeatedly using their heads to hit the ball. She and Erik Matser, a co-author of both studies, warned of second-impact syndrome in which a seemingly harmless blow to the head can cause a serious injury.

“I’d say that anybody under the age of 18 should not be heading,’‘ she told The New York Times in 2001. ‘’I think there’s some risks you just don’t take, because if you do have damage to the brain, there will be some residuals, and they won’t go away.”

She was also an expert witness in various legal cases, including one in 2011 in which she concluded that Gary Haugen, a twice-convicted murderer who was sitting on death row in Oregon and wanted to be executed, had a “delusional disorder that makes him incompetent to be executed.” Mr. Haugen said he hadn’t given his permission to use the results of Dr. Lezak’s examination as part of his defense lawyers’ effort to block his execution.

Dr. Lezak is survived by her daughters, Anne and Miriam Lezak, and nine grandchildren. Her son, David, died in 2014. Her husband died in 2006.

In her interview with Dr. Haaland, Dr. Lezak recalled that before her textbook was published, patients with brain disorders and dysfunction were given a battery of standard tests by technicians, who gave the results to a psychologist.

“God forbid the psychologist ever really saw the patient!” she said. “My book emphasized focusing on the patient and doing what was appropriate for the patient, not the test purveyor.”